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One key psychological mechanism at play is goal-setting theory !

  Stretch goals work psychologically by tapping into your intrinsic motivation and desire for achievement. When you are presented with a challenge that pushes your limits just beyond what you believe you can achieve, it triggers a psychological response that motivates you to strive for higher levels of performance and fosters a sense of accomplishment when you succeed. One key psychological mechanism at play is goal-setting theory. When you set specific, challenging goals (like stretch goals), it increases your focus, effort and persistence toward achieving those goals. Stretch goals provide you with a clear target that is ambitious yet attainable with effort, driving you to exert extra effort to reach beyond your current capabilities. Moreover, stretch goals promote a growth mindset. Instead of viewing abilities as fixed traits, you believe that you can improve through effort and perseverance. When presented with stretch goals, you are encouraged to embrace challenges, learn from setb

Build your success story: One consistent effort at a time

  Build your success story: One consistent effort at a time In the pursuit of success, you often find yourself searching for the secret formula, the elusive key that will unlock the doors to your dreams. While strategies and tactics certainly play a role, one of the most potent forces driving you toward your goals is momentum. Momentum is the steady, relentless progression that occurs when you consistently take action towards your objectives.  Here, we will explore the profound impact of embracing momentum on your journey to success. Understanding Momentum Momentum is more than just a physical concept; it’s a psychological and emotional force that propels you forward. It’s the inertia that builds as you consistently apply effort towards your goals, gaining traction and speed with each step you take.  Just as a rolling stone gathers no moss, a person in motion gathers no obstacles. Momentum creates a sense of inevitability, a feeling that success is not just possible but inevitable, as

The Mysterious Motivation Vanishing Act !

  Picture this: you wake up in the morning, and the thought of getting out of bed and tackling the day’s tasks feels about as appealing as a root canal!  We have all been there – grappling with that inexplicable lack of motivation.  But fear not, we are delving into the art of finding motivation even when it seems to have taken a vacation.  With a blend of research-backed strategies, captivating stories, and a dash of humour, we are about to turn the tables on motivation’s mysterious disappearing act. The Mysterious Motivation Vanishing Act So, you find yourself standing at the crossroads of ‘Why Bother?’.  You are not alone – motivational slumps are as common as the coffee machine at a morning meeting.  Researchers have discovered that the brain’s reward circuitry can sometimes take a break, leaving us feeling uninterested and demotivated. But fret not, for where there’s a will to find motivation, there’s a way – or several! The “Why” Hunt: A Treasure Trove of Motivation You might thi

Success often seems within grasp, but hidden barriers can unexpectedly block the way !

  Success often seems within grasp, but hidden barriers can unexpectedly block the way, leaving dreams unfulfilled. These sneaky obstacles hide in plain sight, tripping you up and holding you back. Spotting and overcoming them is key to reaching your goals. Perfection Paralysis: While perfectionism is often cited as a cause of failure, perfection paralysis takes it a step further. In this scenario, you become so fixated on achieving flawless outcomes that you are unable to make decisions or take action. Every detail must be meticulously planned and executed, leading to indecision, procrastination and ultimately, failure to progress. This stems from an irrational fear of imperfection, which cripples productivity and stifles innovation. Success Avoidance Syndrome: Contrary to the desire for success, you unconsciously fear the responsibilities, expectations or changes that come with achieving your goals. This subconscious fear of success, known as Success Avoidance Syndrome, leads you to

3 Happiness Rules To Live By!

  Most want Happiness but few can figure out how to live it. In my experience it is not the biggest things which will make a person happy but small things. I have known people who have everything in this world but are still unhappy. Infact the whole idea of this blog, began in a conversation with a lady, sometime back who said that she had more than everything what one could ask for, however what was lacking was happiness in her life. Sometimes, just stepping back & refocusing on your vision will make it much better. If you are looking for “change” with more joy & fulfilment, then you can begin by taking the first few steps. Self Discovery Is A Natural Process When people go on the path of self discovery, they tend to get so wrapped up in finding themselves that they forget how the discovery is actually made. Most of life’s purpose is found by  “Living with passion”  and it is no different with self discovery. One thing I do, when I work with my clients is to get to their passi

Beyond oneself: True success uplifts others.

  Have you ever wondered what sets successful people apart from the rest? It’s not just about talent or luck; it’s about mindset and focus. Our thoughts shape our reality and what we choose to fill our minds with can significantly impact our success rate. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that selfishness is the key to success. After all, selfish people often appear to win quickly because they are laser-focused on their own goals and aspirations. Meanwhile, those of us who prioritize empathy and collaboration may find ourselves paying more attention to these self-centred individuals, believing that their approach holds the secret to success. But here’s the truth: success isn’t solely determined by selfishness. In fact, focusing solely on oneself can lead to short-term gains at the expense of long-term fulfilment and meaningful relationships. It’s time to shift our focus and redefine what it means to achieve success. First and foremost, success is not a zero-sum game. It’s no

Build a neurological framework that propels you toward lasting success!

  In the ever-evolving landscape of professional success, the concept of neural pathways—those intricate connections in our brains that influence our thoughts, behaviours, and habits—holds profound implications. As a professional, you understand the significance of adaptability, skill enhancement, and innovation.  Here, we will delve into how the principles of neural plasticity can be harnessed to reshape your career trajectory, allowing you to create better neural pathways for lasting success. Understanding Neural Plasticity and its Relevance to Career Growth Neural plasticity, often referred to as “brain plasticity” or “neuroplasticity,” is the brain’s remarkable ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This phenomenon is not limited to cognitive development alone; it has the potential to reshape your career journey. Embracing continuous learning, adopting new perspectives, and honing relevant skills facilitate the creation of stronger neural pathways that fuel