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Doubt to drive ...

When doubt creeps in, it can stall progress and drain enthusiasm. But remember, doubt is just a signal, not a stop sign. Shift your focus from what’s holding you back to what you want to achieve. Set small, achievable goals that reignite your passion and fuel your drive. Surround yourself with positive influences and take proactive steps to boost your confidence. Turn each doubt into a challenge you can overcome. Your journey from doubt to drive starts with the belief that you can rise above any obstacle. Need professional help to redesign your life & career? Click on the link below to sign up for a Strategy Call. #lifecoach #executivecoach #career #reboot #change #careerstagnation #potential High Performance Alchemy  

Is Stress Killing You Slowly? 5 Ways To Relieve Stress & Get Back On Track

“I’m stressed out” “This thing is stressing me out” “Please. I’m stressed. I can’t think properly” “I’m exhausted” “I hate my job” “I need a vacation’ “I hate my life” Those are some common phrases that we tell ourselves and others around us to express frustrations surrounding our lifestyle. Almost everybody experiences stress in some form or another in a typical day – but the problem begins when we are heavily exposed to stress. Stress can be either professional or personal – both of them affect you the same way. In fact, in my personal opinion stress in your personal life affects you more. Here are some examples so you can relate… Professional: You have a tight deadline on a project and are struggling to complete it by then – while you have other priorities to take care of as well You have a long-term project that you want to start working on but you always end up procrastinating on it for something or another and you feel stressed by the regular delays You have colleagues who don’t

Your Brain Can Make Or Break You. Taking Care Of It Should Be Your Priority.

Mental Illness is not something to be hushed up or feel sorry about. It is a vast subject and I am not qualified to speak about it. However one thing I can speak about Mental illness from the perspective of a Professional Life coach is what I am trying to dive in. Anything to do with the mind or the brain is a touchy issue at least in our culture. When it comes to doctors specializing in this area it is shockingly low and from my perspective does not look like it is going to improve soon. Reasons are many which I do not want to touch upon at this moment. However, over the last one decade of working as a Professional Life Coach I have come across quite a few people who are going through mental illness or have someone in their family who is going through the same. Most of them are looking at dealing with this as discreetly as possible. However what is shocking is that most of them ignore it thinking that it is just a phase and do not muster up enough courage to visit a doctor. When I wor

Overcome Toxicity Now

  Ultimately, if the toxicity of your work environment becomes unbearable and begins to significantly impact your mental health and family life, know that it’s okay to walk away. Your well-being and the well-being of your family should always be your top priority. In the face of a toxic work environment, taking practical steps to protect your family may feel daunting, but remember that you are not powerless. Learn more about this in our most recently published article. The link for the same is in the comments section. High Performance Alchemy

Here Is How To Improve Your Likable Factor

Over the years I have come across far too many people who do believe that being likable is a natural ingrained trait that few lucky ones are born with. However the reality is far from the truth. I am more than convinced that increasing your  Likable quotient is absolutely in one’s  control and it’s more about working on your own Emotional Quotient (EQ) Some of the areas I have worked with my Coaching clients and in the Group Seminars I conduct regularly are  quite a few but the ones which is guaranteed to bring you results in the long run is Be Authentic: When you are Authentic you are taking the first step in creating the energy around you,which will help people gravitate towards you. We as human beings trust people more at the subconscious level who comes across as genuine. It’s next to impossible to like somebody who does not know who they really are & feel about themselves. One of the easiest thing to do to be Authentic is to be comfortable in your own skin. By focusing on what

Use your mind power to unlock your true potential!

Your mind is a treasure trove of potential, waiting to be unlocked through the exploration of its depths. Treat it as a collaborator rather than an adversary, engaging in a dialogue that fosters growth and understanding. Unlock the potential of your mind with us. Discover its power through positive psychology and cognitive empowerment. Together, we will nurture resilience, foster growth and unleash boundless possibilities. Reach out today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Click on the link below to sign up for a call with us … High Performance Alchemy  

The power of incremental progress

  Embarking on the road to success is akin to embarking on a grand adventure, one where every single step matters. Whether you are striving for professional milestones, personal growth or chasing your dreams, each stride you take plays an integral part in sculpting your path forward.  Let’s explore why embracing the significance of every step is crucial in your journey towards success.   A Stepping Stone to Momentum: Much like building blocks, each action you take contributes to the momentum of your journey. Whether it’s making that crucial phone call, attending that networking event or simply dedicating time to honing your skills, every step sets the stage for further progress.  By acknowledging the importance of each moment, you propel yourself forward, gaining momentum with every stride.   Focus on the Present, Shape the Future :  Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of your goals. However, by recognizing that every step counts, you bring a heightened

Top 3 reasons why sleep should be prioritized especially in Corporate India …

Enhanced Productivity: 💡 Prioritizing sleep in Corporate India leads to improved cognitive function, better decision-making and heightened creativity. Well-rested employees exhibit higher levels of productivity, efficiency and innovation, contributing positively to business outcomes. Reduced Health Risks: 🛌 Quality sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. By prioritizing sleep, individuals in Corporate India can lower the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes. This, in turn, translates to fewer sick days, lower healthcare costs and a healthier workforce. Improved Mental Health: 😌 Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in managing stress and promoting mental resilience. Prioritizing sleep fosters better emotional regulation, reduces anxiety and depression symptoms and enhances overall mental health. This results in a more positive work environment, stronger employee engagement and higher job satisfaction levels. Need pr