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Are you guilty of over working?

There are some people that I come across who end up biting more than they can chew. They often end up over-working… as though there is no tomorrow. They never take a minute to step back and listen to their body. They use motivational psychobabble to keep them upbeat. They believe they are invincible. But if you observe closely, you will find that they have a bunch of health issues such as: 1.     Insomnia 2.     Acid reflux 3.     Palpitations 4.     Etc If you have ever felt cranky, apathetic and low in energy, there is a chance that you have been doing the same. High Performance Alchemy

Success often appears sudden, but it's not!

Success often appears sudden, but it's the result of years of preparation, much like the growth of the Chinese bamboo. For the first few years after planting, you water and nurture the bamboo without seeing any visible signs of growth. It seems as though nothing is happening. However, during this time, the bamboo is developing a strong root system underground, preparing itself for rapid growth. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the bamboo shoots up and can grow up to ninety feet in just six weeks. This astonishing growth isn't sudden—it’s the result of the years of unseen preparation. Your journey to success is similar. You may not see immediate results from your efforts, but every step you take is laying the groundwork. The skills you develop, the knowledge you acquire and the connections you build are all part of your root system. When the time is right, your success will unfold rapidly, just like the bamboo. Remember, it's the years of preparation that create the foundatio

Hang in there

Yes you can. Keep the faith and you can move mountains in your life’s journey. #lifecoach #executivecoach #businesscoach #ceocoach #mentalhealth High Performance Alchemy

Magic in small things

There is magic in doing small things for others. What magic are you creating today? #lifecoach #executivecoach #businesscoach #ceocoach #mentalhealth High Performance Alchemy

Emotional turmoil has the immense ability to derail your success.

Emotional turmoil has the immense ability to derail your success. When you are caught in the throes of intense emotions, your focus, motivation and productivity can all take a significant hit. Stress, anxiety and negative emotions can cloud your judgment, leading to poor decision-making and a lack of clarity in your goals. Moreover, emotional turmoil can affect your relationships, both personal and professional, causing misunderstandings and conflicts that further impede your progress. By not addressing and managing these emotions, you are essentially allowing them to control your actions and reactions, which can lead to a downward spiral in both your personal and professional life. Need professional help to reboot your life & career? Click on the link below to sign up for a Strategy Call. #lifecoach #executivecoach #career #reboot #change #careerstagnation #potential High Performance Alchemy  

Is Stress Killing You Slowly? 5 Ways To Relieve Stress & Get Back On Track

“I’m stressed out” “This thing is stressing me out” “Please. I’m stressed. I can’t think properly” “I’m exhausted” “I hate my job” “I need a vacation’ “I hate my life” Those are some common phrases that we tell ourselves and others around us to express frustrations surrounding our lifestyle. Almost everybody experiences stress in some form or another in a typical day – but the problem begins when we are heavily exposed to stress. Stress can be either professional or personal – both of them affect you the same way. In fact, in my personal opinion stress in your personal life affects you more. Here are some examples so you can relate… Professional: You have a tight deadline on a project and are struggling to complete it by then – while you have other priorities to take care of as well You have a long-term project that you want to start working on but you always end up procrastinating on it for something or another and you feel stressed by the regular delays You have colleagues who don’t

5 reasons you struggle with motivation :

5 reasons you struggle with motivation : Lack of Clear Goals: When your goals are vague or undefined, it becomes challenging to stay motivated. Without a clear direction, you might find it difficult to take actionable steps toward achieving anything meaningful. Fear of Failure: Fear of not succeeding can be paralyzing. This fear can prevent you from taking risks or even starting tasks, leading to procrastination and a lack of motivation. Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of tasks can drain your motivation. When you don't break tasks into manageable chunks, the sheer volume can seem insurmountable, causing you to avoid them altogether. Lack of Interest: If you don't find the task at hand engaging or relevant to your interests, it's natural for your motivation to wane. Passion and personal investment play crucial roles in maintaining high levels of motivation. Poor Environment: Your surroundings significantly impact your motivation. A cluttered, noisy or uninspi